The Bible tells us in Genesis 11:7-8 that God wasn't happy with this building and confounded their language so they couldn't work together. The footnote in my Recovery Version of the Bible says that archeological records indicate that both this city and tower were full of the names of idols!
For about 326 years God didn't have any testimony on this earth (page 83). Halley states that all the Babylonian cities of that time were filled with idol worship. It may have looked like God had lost everything. But the omniscient God knew he had one person on the earth. In Ur of Chaldea lived a man named Abram.
Nothing can stop God, and one day God spoke to Abram. These two verses show the first two times God appeared to Abraham--the first was in Ur and the second in Haran:
And he said, Men, brothers, and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran. Acts 7:2
By reading chapter 39 of the LIfe-Study of Genesis I learned more about why God had to call Abraham repeatedly. These excerpts are on page 540, 546, and 547:
The story of Abraham shows us clearly that God will never be undone by His enemy. God kept appearing to Abraham until he cooperated with Him. God's appearing changed the entire course of history. Wow!There is a very crucial difference between these two callings of God. In the first calling God told Abraham to get out of his country and his kindred (Acts 7:3). In the second calling God told him to get out of his country, his kindred, and his father's house (Gen. 12:1)….To be saved is to be called to fulfill God's purpose. When God came in to call Abraham, it was not for the purpose that Abraham be saved from hell or filled with joy, it was for the purpose of fulfilling God's plan….To be saved is to be delivered out of many negative situations so that we may come into God's goal…..God's goal is firstly Christ….Secondly, God's goal is the church….God is God. No one can frustrate Him. Once He has chosen and called you, He will not be stopped by anything. Sooner or later He will get through. He will come to you again and again (Lee, Witness. Life-Study of Genesis. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1974, Print).
You can also listen to live excerpts from these messages on Genesis on Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee.
Other Posts on the Life-Study of Genesis:
From the Life-Study of Genesis - What is the Focus of the Bible?
What Happened Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?
Why Did God Create Man in Genesis 1:26?
Why Did God Create Man With 3 Parts in Genesis 2:7?
Why Did God Put Man in Front of the Two Trees in Genesis 2?
Seeing God's Purpose of Life & Building in the Book of Genesis
What is the Story Behind the Story of Cain & Abel?
What Did Enosh Learn to Do in Genesis 4:26?
How Did Enoch Escape Death in Genesis 5:24?
Why Did Noah Need to Find Grace in Genesis 6:8?
What Does the Rainbow Symbolize in Genesis 9:13?
How Did God Call Abraham in Genesis 12:1?
How Did God Fulfill the Birth of Isaac in Genesis 12:7?
What Does the Marriage of Isaac & Rebekah Show in Genesis 24?
How Does the Story of Jacob Show God's Selection in Genesis 25?
Why Did Jacob Dream About a Ladder in Genesis 28:12?
Seeing Our Spiritual Journey in the Lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, & Joseph
Why Did Jacob Call theTwo Altars in Genesis 33 & 35 By Different Names?
How Do the Stories of Jacob & Joseph Mirror God's Purpose in Genesis 1:26?
How Did Joseph's Dreams Really Get Fulfilled in Genesis 41?
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