For years I thought dominion was just a matter of man being like a caregiver over all the creatures on the earth. I really didn't get what dominion was really all about until I read this study on Genesis.
In chapter 6 I learned that God created man for 2 purposes, and they're seen in the words image and dominion. In chapter 6 Witness Lee shares how man's being created in the image of God is just like a glove is made in the image of a hand. When we opened our hearts to the Lord, He came into us. Finally "the hand" came into "the glove." This was God's original intention even before man fell in Genesis 3!
Secondly, man was created so that he would exercise dominion over God's enemy Satan, implied in the words "every creeping thing." I learned in my reading that it would have been easy for God to demolish Satan, but He wants man to deal with His enemy. I read chapter 7 of the Life-Study of Genesis with a new believer, and we were both amazed at what we read on page 81:
He goes on to say that God's kingdom has no problem in heaven and for sure His will and His glory are fully manifested there with all the angels. But God needs to see all these threethe responsibility of the church. This is what God created us for--we are the means for God to regain the earth.God wants to regain the earth. The earth has become a crucial place, a place that Satan wants to hold and a place that God wants to regain. The battle is over the earth. Whoever gains the earth is the winner. If Satan can keep the earth under his hand, he has the victory. If God can regain the earth, He will have the victory….The church must fight the battle to regain the earth, if not the whole earth, at least some stepping stones, some outposts for the Lord Jesus to put His feet upon. The earth is crucial (Lee, Witness. Life-Study of Genesis. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1974, Print).
You can also listen to live excerpts from these messages on Genesis on Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee.
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