Gluten Free & God Seeking

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How Does God Head up All Things In Christ in Ephesians 1:10?

     Why does God need us to head up all things in Christ?  This may be an unusual phrase and it comes from Ephesians 1:10:  "Unto the economy of the fullness of the times to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth in Him.  Ephesians 1:10." In order to understand this heading up, in chapter 9 of the  Life-Study of EphesiansWitness Lee brought his readers all the way back to Genesis. He takes a good look on pages 82-83 at what really happened  when Adam and Eve fell:
"The book of Genesis reveals that Satan came to inject himself into man, who was the center of the universe.  When Satan injected himself into man, Satan became death and darkness to man....The result of this death and darkness is a collapse....This is the reason that Romans 8:20 and 21 says that the creation has been subjected to vanity and is under the slavery of corruption....The collapse of the universe gives God an excellent opportunity to manifest His wisdom. Without such a situation of death and collapse, God's wisdom could not be fully manifested.  Through the church God's manifold wisdom will be expressed. The collapse caused by Satan's injection of the factor of death into man serves as a black background to make God's wisdom all the more glorious" (Lee, Witness, Life-Study of Ephesians, Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1978, Print).   
     When we became regenerated, the Lord's life came into us, and God began to bring our being out of the collapse mentioned in the above excerpt.   On Program 10 of The Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee --To Head Up All Things in Christ (3), he said that the mystery of God's will is to eventually head up all things in Christ.  One of the brothers commented that the believers have this privilege of taking the lead to be headed up on behalf of all creation. And we can do this by opening to the Lord in all the situations that we're in each day so that God's divine life can spread in our hearts and bring our being bit by bit under the Lord's practical headship.    And in verse 22 we can see that the Lord also uses the church to do His heading up work:  "And has put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church."

Other blog posts on the Life Study of Ephesians:

What is the Subject of Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians?

What is the Mystery of God's Will Revealed in Ephesians 1:9?
How Does God Head Up All Things in Christ in Ephesians 1:10?
How Does the Spirit Seal us in Ephesians 1:13-14?
What is the Surpassing Greatness of His Power in Ephesians 1:19?
From the Life Study of Ephesians: How Electricity Illustrates God's Purpose to Reach Man
What is the One New Man in Ephesians 2:15?
What is the Stewardship of the Grace of God in Ephesians 3:2?
Do You Know What the Multifarious Wisdom of God is in Ephesians 3:10?
What's God's Calling for in Ephesians 4:1?
What Does It Mean to Learn Christ in Ephesians 4:20?
Seeing the Church as the Bride of Christ in Ephesians 5:32
Seeing the Church as the Warrior in Ephesians 6
How Do We Apply the Armor of God in Ephesians 6?
What are the Seven Aspects of the Church Seen in Ephesians?
Why Did God Abolish the Ordinances in Ephesians 2:15?
Why is the Spirit Mentioned in Every Chapter of Ephesians?

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