For the 40 years of their wilderness journey all the children of Israel's living, service, and worship were centered around this tabernacle. When they entered into the land of Canaan, the Israelites set up the tabernacle first in Gilgal and then in Shiloh. But something happened when David became king.
When King David had his palace built, his heart was troubled that God still dwelt in a house made of curtains (see 2 Samuel 7). He wanted to make God a permanent dwelling place. God let him know that his son Solomon would actually build this temple; so David spent many years gathering and preparing all the necessary materials. In chapter 12 of the Life-Study of Psalms and on page 151 I really liked Witness Lee 's explanation of why the tabernacle and temple were so important to God:

"We have to realize that God is located! On the one hand, He is not a wandering God, but on the other hand, He is omnipresent, He is everywhere. Thus, He is the universal God, yet the universal God today is located! The house in which we live has an address, which indicates that we are located. People can write us letters if they know our street address and the city in which we live....In Psalms 25-41 we can see the location of God. This location is also mentioned in the foregoing psalms. The universal God is located in His house, His dwelling place" (Lee. Witness. Life-Study of Psalms. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1993, Print).And all of this reminded me of what I learned from the Life-Study of Ephesians that all the believers are being built together into a spiritual dwelling place (Ephesians 2:22). Many of the psalms on God's house touch my heart, especially the one below that expresses David's earnest desire and love of spending time with God in His house.
One thing I have asked from Jehovah;
That do I seek:
To dwell in the house of Jehovah
All the days of my life,
To behold the loveliness of Jehovah,
And to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4
You can listen to excerpts of Witness Lee's speaking the Life-Studies of Psalms on Life Study of the Bible with Witness Lee. You can also read the online Life-Study of Psalms and check out other resources available to enhance your study of the Bible on Living Stream Ministry's website.
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