Gluten Free & God Seeking

Sunday, May 10, 2015

What is the Controlling Vision of the Bible Seen in the Book of Revelation?

   Although the Bible was written over a period of almost 1,600 years by more than 40 writers, it has one controlling vision.  Does this not amaze you?  It's pretty remarkable and proves that the Bible is the inspired Word of God because who else could have done that?  

   I was a college student when I heard that Genesis 1 and 2 mirror Revelation 21 and 22.  After God created man in Genesis 2:7, the biblical record turns in verses 10-14 to describe certain aspects of the area around the Garden of Eden. 

In verse 9 it mentions gold was there and in verse 10 that bdellium (a pearl-like material produced by tree resin), and onyx stone were also there.  While reading you may think what does that have to do with anything, and then just keep reading. 

   It wasn't until I heard Witness Lee share this Life-Study of Revelation that I saw the connection here.  Flip to Revelation 21, in verse 18 it says the city was pure gold and in verse 21 that the street was pure gold.  Then also in verse 21 it says that each gate was a pearl, and in verse 19-20 it says that the walls of the city were precious stones (just like onyx is the precious stone mentioned in Genesis).

   On page 269 in chapter 22 of the Life-Study of Revelation he explains this:
At the very beginning, in the book of Genesis, we have the tree of life and the flowing river producing gold, bdellium (pearl), and precious stones (Gen. 2:9-12).  At the end of the Bible, in Revelation, we have a city built with these precious materials, with gold, pearl, and precious stones (Rev. 21).  Hence, the whole Bible is for God's eternal purpose of securing His eternal dwelling place by dispensing Himself as life into His chosen ones.  This is the governing vision (Lee, Witness.  Life-Study of Revelation. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, Print 1976).  
In this chapter he mentioned on page 267 that the controlling view of the Bible is God's building.  And without seeing this, it's really hard to understand the Bible. I've learned through hearing and reading these Life-Studies that in order to understand this vision you have to connect it to what both Paul and Peter share in their epistles that God is building a spiritual house (Ephesians 2:22; 1 Peter 2:5). Like all the other books of the Bible, Revelation focuses mostly on how God finally gains His building!!

You can listen to excerpts from the Life-Study of Revelation and some excellent commentary on Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee. 

Other Posts on the Book of  Revelation:
What is the Focus of the Book of Revelation?
What Does the Book of Revelation Show Us About Loving the Lord?
What Does Revelation 4:11 Tell Us About the Purpose of God's Creation?
What are the Golden Bowls of Incense in Revelation 5:8?
What is the Controlling Vision of he Bible Seen in the Book of Revelation?
From the Life-Study of Revelation - What are the Two Sides of Rapture Seen in Revelation 14:1
How Does Transformation Produce the New Jerusalem Mentioned in Revelation 3:12?
Taking a Look at Revelation 12:11 - How Do you Overcome Satan's Accusation?
From the Life-Study of Revelation - The Connection Between Revelation & Ephesians 
Why is There is A Rainbow Around God's Throne in Revelation 4:3?
How Do you Get Ready for the Marriage of the Lamb in Revelation 19:7-8?

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