That's the way it was for me when I read chapter fifty-four of the Life-Study of Revelation last week. This chapter covers Revelation 19 and the marriage of the Lamb with His wife who are His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed believers. Here's the verse on that:
Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And it was given to her that she should be clothed in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of the saints. Revelation 19:7-8
In this chapter brother Lee points out that the Lord's parable in Matthew 22:12 shows us that every believer needs to have a wedding garment to attend the marriage dinner of the Lamb in verse 9. Here's the verse: "Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment? And he was speechless." And from there he clearly unveils through scripture that each believer actually has two garments, one that we receive at our salvation which is objective and the other which is produced through our living Christ each day which is very subjective. This excerpt on page 629 really puts it together:
This chapter really gave me the divine view of what God is doing in my life with all the different environments that surround me. And He goes to a lot of trouble to arrange just the particular circumstances that will let Him stitch a little more on us.At the time of our salvation we received a golden garment that enabled us to be in the presence of God. In addition to this, we need another garment, a garment of embroidery. This embroidery signifies the transforming work of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit today is working on us to transform us just like an embroiderer puts many stitches into cloth. Although we have the first garment, our second garment is now being prepared under the embroidering work of the Holy Spirit. This garment will qualify us to see Christ at His judgment seat. Day by day we are under the needle, the transformation, of the Holy Spirit. How we need this second garment. This is a serious matter (Lee, Witness. Life-Study of Revelation. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1976, Print).
You can listen to excerpts from the Life-Study of Revelation and some excellent commentary on Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee.
Other Posts on the Book of Revelation:
What is the Focus of the Book of Revelation?
What Does the Book of Revelation Show Us About Loving the Lord?
What Does Revelation 4:11 Tell Us About the Purpose of God's Creation?
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What is the Controlling Vision of he Bible Seen in the Book of Revelation?
From the Life-Study of Revelation - What are the Two Sides of Rapture Seen in Revelation 14:1
How Does Transformation Produce the New Jerusalem Mentioned in Revelation 3:12?
Taking a Look at Revelation 12:11 - How Do you Overcome Satan's Accusation?
From the Life-Study of Revelation - The Connection Between Revelation & Ephesians
Why is There is A Rainbow Around God's Throne in Revelation 4:3?
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