Paul's letter to the Ephesians shows us over and over that God's purpose concerns the church, the Body of Christ. As Witness Lee mentions in the beginning of this chapter, not many believers have not been so clear about the church being the goal of God's calling. I liked this opening excerpt:
In this message he also touches on how Ephesians 4:12 helps to achieve this goal. Paul mentions that God has given the apostles, prophets, shepherds and teachers as gifts to help build up the Body. Besides doing that, they also perfect all the other members of the Body to do what they do. Because I'm a teacher it's easy for me to see this parallel. Every teacher has the job of perfecting his/her students to do the same thing that they can do.
When I've thought about this, I can see that in the Body of Christ it's the same way--if you can preach the gospel well, you can share those experiences with others and even go out with them a few times to help them preach the gospel. In this way they'll be perfected like this verse talks about. I learned from one of the chapters that the Greek word for apostle is just a sent one. We can all be sent ones to our neighborhoods and jobs.
You can listen to excerpts of these Ephesians Life Study messages on Life Study of the Bible with Witness Lee.
What is the Subject of Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians?
What is the Mystery of God's Will Revealed in Ephesians 1:9?
How Does God Head Up All Things in Christ in Ephesians 1:10?
How Does the Spirit Seal us in Ephesians 1:13-14?
What is the Surpassing Greatness of His Power in Ephesians 1:19?
From the Life Study of Ephesians: How Electricity Illustrates God's Purpose to Reach Man
What is the One New Man in Ephesians 2:15?
What is the Stewardship of the Grace of God in Ephesians 3:2?
What is the Multifarious Wisdom of God For in Ephesians 3:10?
What's God's Calling for in Ephesians 4:1?
What Does It Mean to Learn Christ in Ephesians 4:20?
Seeing the Church as the Bride of Christ in Ephesians 5:32
Seeing the Church as the Warrior in Ephesians 6
How Do We Apply the Armor of God in Ephesians 6?
What are the Seven Aspects of the Church Seen in Ephesians?
Why Did God Abolish the Ordinances in Ephesians 2:15?
Why is the Spirit Mentioned in Every Chapter of Ephesians?