I’ll never forget our friend Tony’s rendition of his salvation as a college student. One day while riding his motorcycle he hit a car, and he found himself sailing through the air. With all the thoughts of sudden death flooding his mind, he called on the Lord’s name for the first time in his life. Something happened to him—he knew he got saved. The Bible tells us in Romans 10: 13 For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
I like the footnote on this verse in the Recovery Version of the New Testament (you can order this paperback version free by clicking on this link).
Calling on the name of the Lord is the secret not only to our salvation but also to our enjoyment of the Lord's riches. Beginning with Enosh, the third generation of mankind [Genesis 4:26], and continuing all the way down to the New Testament believers, God's chosen and redeemed ones enjoyed Christ's redemption and salvation and all His riches by means of this secret (see Note 21-1 in Acts 2).This past Friday we were reading with some college students verses on calling on the Lord’s name. They came out of a chapter entitled "Calling on the Lord" from Volume 1 of the booklet Basic Elements of the Christian Life.The footnotes in the Recovery Version of the Old Testament indicate that the name Enosh means frail and mortal. In just three generations people realized they weren't that strong-- they needed to call on the name of God to get through the day.
Things haven't changed much because centuries later we still need to call; I know I do. One of the students shared his own experience of calling on the Lord's name, "Sometimes I do not know what to say or pray, and I just call and it calms me down." We were all amazed because none of us had shared this with him. The Lord had shown him this wonderful secret!
Blog update 5/8/13: Bibles for America has prepared a video segment that you can view called Calling on the Name of the Lord which is based on a booklet by that name published by Living Stream Ministry.
Blog Update 5/22/13: You can order your own free copy of this booklet from Bibles for America.
Other College Student Dinner Fellowships on This Blog:
Do You Have the Assurance of Your Salvation?
Getting Spiritual Food From God's Word
What are the Securities of Your Salvation?
Hearing God - Dinner Fellowship with College Students
Why Should a Believer Get Baptized?
Why Should We Read the Bible?
Coming to the Lord in His Word
Did You Know God Made You With Three Parts?
What is the Key to Experiencing Christ? - A Fellowship with College Students
Calling on the Lord Makes a Difference!
What's the Secret the Third Generation of Mankind Found?
Why Are Just 2 Trees Mentioned in Genesis 2?
Discussion with College Students--What is the Church?
Why are There Two Trees in Genesis 2 Anyway? Part 1
Why are There Two Trees in Genesis 2 Anyway? Part 2